
Archive for March, 2010

Truffles, meet Gilliauna of Bits n’ Beads

Bits n Beads is an online store ran by Gilliauna that specializes in unique bead and gemstone jewelry and accessories from necklaces and chokers to earrings and bracelets, charms, lanyards, eyeglass chains and more.

We often use cleaned and re-purposed as well as vintage jewelry parts and beads in many of our colorful creations. This is a great way to help keep waste to a minimum and help out at the same time since we shop for our vintage materials at places like the Salvation Army where the profits go back into the community!


You are sure to find something for everyone in this fabulous shop!

And a few lovelies for yourself, too… of course.


Would you look at this Handmade Wooden Necklace / Bracelet Set!

The colors are just fantastic! It looks like it’s on fire, no?


I love the combination of colors in this Metamorphose Gemstone Cluster Bracelet.

This little darling has a pinch of vintage romance to it, don’t you think?


Know someone that has to wear an I.D. Badge to work?

This next piece is for them!

The Aegean Beaded Badge Lanyard… seriously, how awesome is this?!?

Now you can rock those ugly I.D. Badges in style with one of these lanyards. And they come in many gorgeous styles & colors… believe me!


Still not convinced of this shop’s total fabulousness?

Head on over to Bits n’ Beads and see the beaded gorgeousness for yourself.






and Eyeglass Chains…

Oh my!


Connect with Gilliauna on twitter

or at her blog The Meandering Musings Of A Consummate Shopper!

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On Spring Break

You may notice a lack of excitement goin’ on over here this week.

That would be due to the fact that we are on Spring Break.

This means I do not have my big sis’ kids, and am not currently in the trenches of homeschooling.

So I’m joyously (super lie!) cleaning, cleaning, and… you guessed it….


I also need to devote extra time to some Search & Destroy missions for several special orders.

AND… if you haven’t been over to my shop recently, I can honestly tell you that you’ve missed absolutely NOTHING!

This bad girl hasn’t listed a new item since February 26th!!

Not. One. Single. Thing.

I’m pretty sure that earns me the I Sucketh Etsian Award.

So, my dahling truffles, I do so love you. And I do so want to chat it up with y’all in the bloggy comments. But this week I gotta get some serious jammin’ done!

I’ve got some MAJOR AWESOMENESS planned for the month of April.

I have two lovely guest bloggers lined up. And one of them happens to be my dearest bloggy friend, Victoria!

Gimme a WOO to the OOT!

I also have some amazing features and giveaways to share with y’all that I’m SO stinkin’ excited about! In fact, I want to squeal like a little girl holding a baby poodle… licking a strawberry ice cream… while riding a Ferris wheel!

Yep, I’m excited!

Okay, truffles, I gotta jam

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Garden Party Ring Winner!

Last week I had a fun guessing game going on here.

Sorry if you missed it, but I will probably do it again because I thought it was fab fun!

To be truthful, however, no one actually guessed both items correctly.

A few got close, but no cigar!

Here is a list of the items and prices….

Shirt $9

Earrings $15

Skirt $155

Fab Dolce Purse $290

Shoes $425

Ring $500

and, by a landslide, the most expensive item was…

the pure silver bangles at $1,710!


But someone MUST win, I say!

So I turned to the random number generator at random.org to come up with today’s lucky winning number 8. Which means Krista will receive the Garden Party Ring.

Do not cry, my dahling truffles!

I have more of these Whimsies that will be available in my shop very soon!

Cheers & Happy Monday!

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Happy Bunny

just tell me i am awesome and move along

If I were a Happy Bunny, this would be me.

Now, move along.


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Could somebody please invite me to a most fabulous garden party already!
Preferably one at a palace in Europe somewhere.
Because then I would totally have a valid excuse to buy this darling $3,100 ensemble, would I not?

Let us play a little game, shall we?

Leave me a comment telling me which item you think costs the most and which item you think costs the least.

The person to guess both of them correctly will win something fabulous.

I have no idea what it will be, but…

it will be fabulous, make no mistake!


Okay, I actually do have something in mind for the winner.

This fabulous (Didn’t I tell you?) Garden Party Ring!

This is a new Whimsy that hasn’t even made it into my shop yet!

A fab gunmetal adjustable ring with a delicate white rose secured to the top.

So lovely.

And perfect for that garden party .

Please ignore the dry, wrinkled hands. I had my elderly neighbor model the ring.

Oh, okay… that’s my dry, wrinkled up grandma hand.

Shut up.

Oh, look! My date to the garden party has arrived…

I tried to convince him to wear a shirt, but his mind was set in stone.

Hee Hee… Get it?


Winner will be announced Monday!

Good Luck!

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I spend a large portion of my day training up my children to obey their parents in the Lord. I don’t know about you, but I want my kids to happily do as I say, when I say it.

And I want them to do it with a smile in their step and a spring on their face.

Wait a minute…

See, I’ve just illustrated to you why it IS a good thing that my darling kidlets do not obey me sometimes.

For instance: I’m extremely grateful that my son did not obey me when I told him to throw the dogs away when he took the trash out to go potty. That would’ve just been ugly. Am I right?

Or when I handed my daughter her dirty socks and asked her to put them in the refrigerator. Um.. YUK! Some things just should not touch other things. Especially food products. And I totally had to look up “refrigerator” in the dictionary for it’s correct spelling.

Did I mention that I homeschool?

Or how about the time I told my son to put his dirty cup in the laundry?

And I’m SO glad they didn’t listen to me when I asked them to wash their teeth and brush their face before bed. Ouch.

You see, my truffles? Sometimes it’s a good thing our kids don’t do as we say. Because sometimes their disobedience is prompted by self-preservation. And sometimes it’s because they know we are just a tad loopy by the end of the day.

But, if we all make it out alive, then it’s been a good day indeed!

Am I right?

Have a happy day, dahling truffles! I’m off to bake the carpet and vacuum some cookies.

Wait a minute…

P.S. I don’t know who this kid is (I’m serious), but doesn’t he look like he’s having a great time?

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Meet Nevita of Boutique-a-holic

For me etsy is something special. It is a pleasure of handmaking my items, a delight of selling and promoting them, an enjoyment of searching and looking at other etsy shops. I like sending my happiness and positive energy, and if I can make even a single man, woman or child happy for a minute, it would be a real treat for me.

I am a mother of a beautiful baby girl and I enjoy spending time with her. I love seeing her grow and smile. That is why I have a lot of positive energy and faith in my etsy shop. I believe in my creations and their ability to symbolize how much life is beautiful and precious.


In this darling Etsy shop, you will find lovely scarves for every season, occasion, and style.

I j’adore this Purple Necklace Scarf! It’s so fun, unique, and PURPLE!!

This delicate Spring Scarf in ecru is perfect for everyday wear during the warmer months.

You’ll even find adorable shrugs & boleros in Nevita’s shop.

I deeply heart this one…

Head on over to Boutique-a-holic and take advantage of the super sales she is having on her fab winter scarves. She’s also currently offering free shipping on select items! Woo Hoo!!

Connect with Nevita!

Visit her lovely blog here

or follow her on twitter!


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Now that the weather is getting warm again, I find myself setting aside my beloved coffee mug in favor of a glass of sweet tea.

Shocking… I know.

I do love me some sweet tea in the spring and summer months.

I drink gobs and gobs of it.

FYI: a gob is approximately 2 1/2 gallons. It’s a scientific term here in the Klein household.

Anywhoo… I love to add lemon slices to my tea. So, in order to avoid the hassle of pulling out a cutting board and knife every time I have a glass of tea, I simply slice up several lemons at once and store them in a freezer bag in the freezer. This way I have a supply ready to use, aaaannd… they’re frozen so they keep my tea cold longer!

Yep, I’m a smart one.

P.S. Try this with key limes, too! They taste great in citrus flavored sodas and regular colas as well!

Y’all, this is a shortcut that “works for me”!

For more great tips & ideas visit We Are THAT Family.

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